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Weight Training Weight Loss
Weight Training Fat Loss Exercise

Getting into shape with weight loss programs that work.

Lets start by talking about weight loss programs that involve exercise.

The best way to shed fat is aerobic exercise...running, biking, stairmaster and so on, any way to raise your heart rate.Getting your heart rate to certain level for at least 20 minutes (I prefer 30 min.) and at least 3 days a week (I prefer 6 days) is the best way to get ripped abs (guys) or tight thighs (ladies).

There are many benefits to cardio training.

It increases your metabolic rate, so you burn more calories throughout the day.Reduces stress levels, increases growth hormone secretion, improves digestion, boosts immune-system funtion, improves cholesterol levels, and increases blood flow to the brain increasing alertness.

How high should I get my heart rate?

The best fat burning occurs between 70% to 85% of your max heart rate, this is called your target heart rate. You figure your max heart rate by taking 220 and subtracting your age. For example if your 30 yrs. old you take 220-30=190, 190 is your max heart rate. Then take 190 and multiply it by .7 which will give you 70% of your max heart rate. If you multiplied by .85 you would get 85% of your max heart rate. This means if your 30 yrs. old you must get your heart rate from 133 to 162 beats every 60 seconds for at least 20 minutes, personally I do 32 minutes for optimum fat burning and weight loss.

The simple way to get your pulse is to put a figure on your neck and finding it, then obviously counting. However, finding your pulse during exercise can be hard so many people use pulse monitors which can be purchased at sporting goods stores.

You should get your aerobic workout at least 3 times a week, I do 6 days.

After 2 to 3 weeks of good fat buring exercises your metabolism will start to change. Your metabolic rate will rise and you will start burning more fat through out the whole day.I know what your thinking...How can I fit workouts into my busy day? Come on folks everyone has 30 minutes in a day to exercise, so put down the remote, I'm sure they will have that rerun of Threes Company on again.

One way of saving a little time and or beating the cold or rain of outside is to buy home gym equipment.

Remember people when starting weight loss programs you cannot spot exercise when trying to lose fat.

This is one of the biggest mistakes I see. Guys you can't get a six pack from doing situps alone and ladies you can't get firm thighs from doing squats alone. These are called anaerobic exercises which we cover in the weight lifting section of this site. Anaerobic exercises do not help you lose fat, they build muscle.Now I will say the more muscle you have the higher your metabolic rate, but do not concern yourself with that, anaerobic exercises are not the best way to shed fat.

When men do ab exercises to make their stomachs smaller all they are doing is building muscle under their fat making thier stomachs appear bigger, the now bigger ab muscles are pushing the fat on top out farther.

The same goes with women's thighs, butts and any other muscle in the body.

So people who want to lose fat and look better should concentrate on aerobic exercises, and as more and more fat is lost then start gradualy adding muscle by lifting weights.

Start slow when starting an aerobic exercise program.

Your not in good enough shape yet, so if you start out too strong it will seem to hard and you will end up quiting. Begin by raising your heart rate slightly for 10 to 15 minutes through running, biking whatever gets your heart rate up. After a week or two up the intensity of the workout.At the 4 week mark you should be able to get a fairly good workout for 30 minutes. And after 3 to 4 months getting a fat burning workout will seem like a breeze. Remember start out slow and work yourself up so your body can adjust and you don't frustrate yourself.

Circuit training is one of the best weight loss programs because it enables you to lose fat and build muscle at the same time.

Basically circuit training is lifting weights and only resting 20 to 30 seconds between sets, so your heart rate will stay at a level that will burn fat. It is best to do this for 20 to 30 minutes for the best results.

In circuit training it is best to know what exercises you will be doing before you start. The reason for this is you must keep your heart rate up to a certain level, and once you have started you can not stop to think…what exercise do I do next? So plan what exercises, and the order in which you will perform those exercises.

A few ways to keep your heart rate up between sets is to jump rope, jog in place or even hit the heavy bag. The heavy bag is an excellent workout, it involves moving your feet and arms,(this provides you with the cardiovascular work), and hitting the bag which builds the chest, lats, delts, and triceps.

Before you start to circuit train it is best to be somewhat accustomed to lifting weights. The reason for this is because when you are circuit training you cannot lift as much weight as when you lift at a regular pace, because of the limited rest between sets. So you must have some knowledge of how much you can lift going from exercise to exercise. That’s important when trying to keep your heart rate up, because you can't stop to determine how much weight is enough.

Circuit training is a great for building muscle and getting an aerobic workout at the same time. It’s good if you are in a rush and don't have all day to workout.

Weight Training Exercise is the most popular of all the weight loss programs.

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